Basic Requirements
- Citizen of the United States or lawfully admitted alien
- 18 years of age or older
- Meet TREC’s qualifications for honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity. Consider requesting a Fitness Determination before applying for the license
- Professional Home inspectors must complete 194 education hours
- Real Estate inspectors must complete 154 education hours
- Real Estate inspectors must work under a Professional Home Inspector and cannot work on their own
Real Estate Inspectors must complete a total of 154 education hours
These hours are broken down into the National and State portions of the course.
90 National education hours:
- 40-Hour Property and Building Inspection Module I
- 40-Hour Property and Building Inspection Module II
- 10-Hour Business Operations and Professional Responsibilities Module
64 State education hours:
- 40-Hour Texas Practicum (Ride Along)
- 24-Hour Texas Standards of Practice Module
Professional Home Inspector must complete a total of 194 education hours
These hours are broken down into the National and State portions of the course.
110 National education hours:
- 40-Hour Property and Building Inspection Module I
- 40-Hour Property and Building Inspection Module II
- 20-Hour Analysis of Findings and Reporting
- 10-Hour Business Operations and Professional Responsibilities Module
84 State education hours:
- 40-Hour Texas Practicum (Ride Along)
- 24-Hour Texas Standards of Practice Module
- 20-Hour Texas Law Module
File an Application with TREC to Become a Home Inspector
Submit your certificates of education hour completion, inspector license application, $120 application fee and if applicable, experience records to the Texas Real Estate Commission by mail.
You can mail your documentation to:
Texas Real Estate Commission
PO Box 12188
Austin, Texas 78711-2188
The estimated time to complete the application process is 8-10 Days.
Get Fingerprints Taken and Pass the Background Check
The law requires fingerprints on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) so a background check can be performed. A license will only be issued if the background check is passed. You will need a TREC entity number to make an appointment. See the TREC fingerprint requirements here.
Pass the Licensing Exam
Once you receive your approval letter, 10 digit TREC identification number, and information on how to access the Candidate Handbook from Pearson Vue (TREC’s exam administrator), you must sign up to take the national and state exam at any of the three Pearson Vue Professional Center locations in the San Antonio area. You may also call Pearson Vue at 800-997-1248.
Renew Your License Every Two Years by Completing Inspector Continuing Education
Complete your Inspector Continuing Education requirement by completing 32-Hours of Continuing Education every 2 years (no more than 16 CE hours of credit for any one subject).